Is UU Safety Net As Corpse-Cold Unitarian Dead As Corpse-Cold Unitarian UUA Moderator Jim Key?
Just asking. . .
Because UU Safety Net's whole website seems to be "not found", and it may well have been knowingly and willfully "memory holed" as part of ongoing efforts by top-level UUA leadership, and other implicated Unitarian Universalists, to cover-up and deny U*U clergy sexual misconduct aka U*U clergy sex abuse as much as they think they can get away with. . .
Because UU Safety Net's whole website seems to be "not found", and it may well have been knowingly and willfully "memory holed" as part of ongoing efforts by top-level UUA leadership, and other implicated Unitarian Universalists, to cover-up and deny U*U clergy sexual misconduct aka U*U clergy sex abuse as much as they think they can get away with. . .
"so maybe whoever was running it took it down?"
When UU Safety Net got all cozy with UU Moderator Jim Key they very foolishly handed over management of the UU Safety Net website to UUA staff. This was a HUGE mistake as far as I am concerned. So it is well within possible that *someone* at the UUA decided to "memory hole" the UU Safety Net website. Time will tell. I will be demanding that UU Safety Net my reclaim the administration of the website and republish everything that was ever published to it. I previously noted that some of the blog posts of Anna-Belle Leiserson's 'Speaking Truth To Power' blog that were strongly critical of the UUA had been quietly "memory holed" soon after the UUA took over administration of UU Safety Net's website which hosted an archived version of the 'Speaking Truth To Power' blog.
Even before the site went down last week I had left several messages for Rev. Gail Seavey about my extreme disappointment in her own and UU Safety Net's FAILure, and even outright refusal, to publicly condemn the UUA's false blasphemous libel accusation, and the brazen bald faced lies that UUA Moderator Jim Key told about UU clergy sexual misconduct in general, and sexual abuse of children by UUA clergy in particular, in the disingenuous )and even mendacious) "official apology" that he inappropriately sandwiched into the middle of his first Moderator's Report to a UUA GA in June of 2014.