
Showing posts from 2024

The Unitarian Universalist Church Of Harrisburg Pennsylvania And Rev. David Gregory Kohlmeier aka Rev. David Miller Kohlmeier - What's The Connection?

Rev. Dr. Peter Morales IS A Heartless Clueless Unitarian*Universalist Cleric aka A Heartless CU*UC

The Unitarian Universalist Church Of The Lehigh Valley And UUA Clergy Sexual Misconduct - What's The Connection?

David Gregory Kohlmeier And Unitarian Universalism's Culture Of Secrecy About Clergy Sexual Abuse - What's The Connection?

Unitarian Universalism's Clergy Sexual Misconduct Problem And Google Search Results - What's The Connection?

Are Unitarian Universalist Pedophiles And Rapists Considered To Be Sacred By The UUA?