The Emerson Avenger Blog Is Probably One Of The Most Comprehensive Public Resources On Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct
But don't take my word for it U*Us. . .
Take the word of the Reverend Sky Williams-Tao!, as written on page 22 of her 30 page paper titled 'A Brief History of Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct'. . .
The Emerson Avenger Blog 'is probably one of the most comprehensive public resources on UU clergy sexual misconduct, particularly around the naming of individual ministers who have misconducted.'
If 'The tone of the blog is often belligerent and combative', as correctly noted by Rev. Sky Williams, there are some very good reasons for The Emerson Avenger's 'belligerent and combative' tone, not the least of them being that the UUA has repeatedly, indeed quite continually. . . condoned the 'belligerent and combative' tone of its 'less than polite clergy' such as the notoriously 'belligerent and combative' Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang to name but one such 'belligerent and combative' UUA minister. . . Not to mention the fact that the UUA as a Big Fat U*U Institution has been quite belligerent and combative toward The Emerson Avenger and other clergy abuse critics and whistleblowers. . .
If The Emerson Avenger blog 'mixes known cases of misconduct with rumor and unsubstantiated accusations', as alleged by Rev. Sky Williams-Tao, it has everything to do with Unitarian Universalism's shameful culture of secrecy around clergy sexual misconduct that persists to this very day. . . There are a good number of unsubstantiated accusations about clergy sexual misconduct that I have never blogged about at all, precisely because the unsubstantiated accusations in question, such as unsubstantiated accusations about some female pedophile UUA ministers. . . are quite difficult to substantiate as a result of Unitarian Universalism's persistent culture of secrecy. The few unsubstantiated accusations that I do share here are accusations that come from credible sources and accusations that I believe could be substantiated, or are at least worthy of a free and responsible search for their truth and meaning. I certainly believe that the 'unsubstantiated accusations' about former UUA President Bill Sinkford's alleged or actual clergy sexual misconduct are worthy of some in-depth investigation, especially in light of Rev. Sinkford's past, and apparently ongoing. . . highly questionable minimization of Unitarian Universalism's quite serious clergy sexual misconduct problem.