Peacebang Peacebang Peacebang. . . When Will You Ever Learn The Lessons That The Emerson Avenger Has Been Teaching You For The Last Couple Of Years?

Peacebang, aka the once and future Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein, is back on The Emerson Avenger's U*U World Famous "Eat Your Words Diet" today as a result of her rather two-faced self-righteous attitude in the 'Web Site Photo' post of her Peacebang's Beauty Tips For Ministers blog -

This is really, really not okay.

It was shocking, in fact.

The contrast between the two images was actually disturbing, as though these two people existed on a different planet of self-respect and clergy image.

Here's a bonus helping of the EYWD thanks to a serendipitous Google search -

Disturbing Double Faced Cleric!

How could this BE?

How can a cleric have TWO FACES!??

I am going to have nightmares about this tonight.

Get a closer look here at 'The Two Faces Of Rev. V'

[Blame your heebie jeebies on Rev. Beth Miller and Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and on the fact that it's 12:23 a.m. aka The Bitching Hour and I've been rearranging my medications* for too long]

* Just kidding. . . but this TMI "confession" *could* very well apply to Peacebang aka Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein and any number of other borderline U*U ministers with *diagnosed* mental illnesses and personality disorders.
