Rev. Scott Wells Asserts That The Emerson Avenger aka TEA Is Good!

Butt don't take my word for it U*Us, take Rev. Scott Wells' word for it as posted to the 'TEA IS GOOD' blog post of his 'Boy In The Bands' blog:

I love TEA, and drink it in great quantities. Apart from being delicious and *refreshing*, TEA is an extraordinarily good value; very good TEA can be had at a very small cost per serving. But even good TEA leaves and (sic*) be ruined with poor preparation and — to a degree — mediocre TEA leaves can rise to satisfaction if prepared well. (The heated pot is important.) There’s a good lesson in making the best with what you have, and in that spirit share this British wartime film on TEA.

* Typo alert: Needless to say, Rev. Scott Wells' "and" should read *can*. . .
