Religion Decline Statistics 2012 And Blog Statistics For The Emerson Avenger Blog - What's The Connection?
Some person of inherent worth and dignity in El Paso, Texas, aka The Lone Star State, U.S.A. was just asking Google (sorta). . .
Well, capital 'T' objective Truth be told, perhaps this particular person's free and responsible Google Images search for the Truth and meaning of -
religion decline statistics 2012
led them to some somewhat unexpected results. . .
Specifically *this* Google Images search result
I guess they were curious about just how The Emerson Avenger's blog statistics for the week long period between Thursday aka Thor's Day April 12th, 2012, and Thor's Day April 19th, 2012, which look quite a bit like 'The Little Prince' author Antoine de Saint Exupéry's drawing(s) of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant related to religion decline statistics for The Year Of Our Lord 2012. . .
Here is the screenshot of those (im)pertinent The Emerson Avenger blog statistics which probably are somewhat interconnected with the further decline of The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ in 2012. . .
As an added bonus I am also providing real world famous French airman and author Antoine de Saint Exupéry's drawing number 2 of The Emerson Boa Constrictor aka The Big Fat U*U Elephant In The Room digesting a Big Fat U*U Elephant, or would that actually be a rather tiny, and definitely declining. . . babyish U*U Elephant? :-)
Well, capital 'T' objective Truth be told, perhaps this particular person's free and responsible Google Images search for the Truth and meaning of -
religion decline statistics 2012
led them to some somewhat unexpected results. . .
Specifically *this* Google Images search result
I guess they were curious about just how The Emerson Avenger's blog statistics for the week long period between Thursday aka Thor's Day April 12th, 2012, and Thor's Day April 19th, 2012, which look quite a bit like 'The Little Prince' author Antoine de Saint Exupéry's drawing(s) of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant related to religion decline statistics for The Year Of Our Lord 2012. . .
Here is the screenshot of those (im)pertinent The Emerson Avenger blog statistics which probably are somewhat interconnected with the further decline of The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ in 2012. . .
As an added bonus I am also providing real world famous French airman and author Antoine de Saint Exupéry's drawing number 2 of The Emerson Boa Constrictor aka The Big Fat U*U Elephant In The Room digesting a Big Fat U*U Elephant, or would that actually be a rather tiny, and definitely declining. . . babyish U*U Elephant? :-)