First Unitarian Congregation Of Ottawa U*U "Church" And Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape - What's The Connection?

How about this comment that I posted in response to the Ottawa Citizen "newspaper" blog post entitled -

City Hall Blog: Unitarians make final pitch against western LRT route

"The City should be ashamed for treating some of its most vulnerable citizens in such a cavalier fashion."

The Unitarian Universalist Association should be ashamed for treating some of its most vulnerable clergy abuse victims in such a cavalier fashion. . .

And Ottawa Unitarians should be utterly ashamed of themselves for repeatedly turning blind eyes and deaf ears to my sharing of my concerns about the UUA's Bill Cosby style legal bullying, which misuses Canada's archaic blasphemy law in an immoral, unethical, and borderline criminal attempt to cover-up and deny the fact that "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" have not only engaged in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", but *some* of these U*U ministers have even been convicted of such despicable crimes. . .

More details here:
