"Retired" UUA Executive *Vice* President Kay Montgomery & UUA President *The* Reverend Doctor Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales. . .

To say absolutely nothing of the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors defamation lawyer Maitre Marc-Andre Coulombe. . . are viciously, and repeatedly, kicked in their Big Fat U*U Balls* by the UUA's Church of the Larger Fellowship aka CLFUU.

In this plagU*Urized 'Daily Compass' blog post titled 'Stepping Stones'. . .

There’s a way across the river, but you U*Us have to be brave, willing to take the leap from stone to stone, open to choosing your path when you have already jumped away from the safety of the shore.

What difficult crossing in your life are you trying to navigate?

The Daily Compass offers words and images to inspire spiritual reflection and encourage the creation of a more loving, inclusive and just world. Produced by The Church of the Larger Fellowship, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Without Walls. 

* It depends upon what the meaning of the word "balls" is. . .
