UUA Executive *Vice* President Kay Montgomery And Unitarian Universalist Perversion Of Justice To Cover-Up And Deny U*U Sexual Perversion - What's The Connection?
How about this Facebook comment I just posted in response to this Shelley Webb Surh comment chastising me for "hijacking" this Unitarian Universalism "Faith Of The Free" post about the lack of justice in America just for starters?
Shelley Webb Surh I challenge ALL U*Us to examine your beliefs and remain focused on the real atrocity here:
https:// emersonavenger.blogspot.com /2020/06/ canada-repealed-blasphemy-l aw-unitarian.html
the perversion of justice in Unitarian Universalism.
One example of this is "Liberals" bemoaning the chaos and destruction caused by The Emerson Avenger's reaction to it when that chaos is being deliberately provoked by top-level UUA "provocateurs".
the perversion of justice in Unitarian Universalism.
One example of this is "Liberals" bemoaning the chaos and destruction caused by The Emerson Avenger's reaction to it when that chaos is being deliberately provoked by top-level UUA "provocateurs".