Yet Another Unitarian Universalist Church Joke Courtesy Of The Emerson Avenger With A Little Bit Of Help From His Friend Rev. CrankyAss. . .

Rev. Dan Harper aka Rev. CrankAss, Assistant Minister of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, California (UUCPA) has posted one of the lamest Unitarian Universalist Church jokes that The Emerson Avenger has ever had the misfortune to hear/read to his Yet Another Unitarian Universalist blog in a brand-spanking new blog post entitled -

'Another stupid church joke'

Believe me U*Us, there are MUCH better UU church jokes around than the rather stupid and incredibly lame one that Rev. Daniel Harper somehow saw fit to post to the interconnected web of the internet on his YAU*U blog. As just one Big Fat U*U *Example* there's that wonderfully ribald "How many UUs does it take to screw in a light bulb?" Unitarian Universalist church joke which comes with the Big Fat U*U Punchline -

"None. UUs screw in sleeping bags, not light bulbs!"

Gotta stand on the side of LOVE for *that* UU church joke, allegedly told by 16 year old UU girl at a Unitarian-Universalist church camp. Nudge, nudge, ;-) ;-)

No U*Us?

Without further ado, here is the brand-spanking new Unitarian Universalist church joke (or indeed UU riddle) that The Emerson Avenger just came up with as inspired by the "in the red" part of the stupid AND lame UU church joke that Rev. CrankAss posted to his YAU*U blog -

Why do Unitarian Universalist churches positively LOVE to be "in the red"?

Because it enhances their credentials as "The Church Of The Far Left". . .
