The UUA aka Unitarian Universalist Association Of Congregations aka UU WorId Is A More Ruthless Business Environment Than The For-Profit World?!!

Apparently so. . .

But don't take my word for it U*Us, take former UU World magazine senior editor Tom Stites' word for it. . .

Of course doing so *does* require a small amount of "reading between the lines" of the following Tweet from Tom Stites, however sometimes a free and *responsible* search for the Truth and meaning of people's statements requires some judicious "reading between the lines" to determine their unspoken or unwritten subtext. . .

Web journo~Sometimes I think the nonprofit world is a more ruthless business environment than the for-profit world. Yup.

Here is how I just responded to that quite revelatory Tom Stites Tweet with an additional embedded link or two to help people to engage in a free and responsible search for its Truth and meaning. . .

@tomstites Yes, I seem to recall that you were "under instructions from (your) employers" not to speak to me following my protest at UUA HQ.
