Chris Walton Can Hear Me Now And Hear Me Later. . .

Herewith my second response to U*U World editor Chris Walton`s Philocrites blog post titled -

Hear Me Now Or Hear Me Later


The Emerson Agenda:

September 6, 2007 11:02 PM Permalink for this comment

Hear me now and hear me later Chris. . .

I repeat - U*Us are more inclined to critical defecation on religious experience than "critical reflection on religious experience."


Anonymous said…
Readers who wonder why Robin's comments are routinely deleted from my blog are welcome to read this post, which describes my approach to publishing comments. Robin refused to stay within bounds I clearly described to him, and so lost the privilege of commenting on my site.
Robin Edgar said…
The fact of the matter is that my comments on his Philocrites were "routinely deleted" by Chris Walton from the very beginning. People will be hard pressed to find *any* comment from me on his blog. Almost all of them were deleted. When I reposted deleted comments, in order to make it clear to Chris Walton that his censorship and suppression of my legitimate criticism and dissent was just a tad overdone. . . he effectively permanently banned me from posting on the Philocrites blog at all. Chris Walton created the policy that is little more than an U*U covering excuse for his all but total censorship and suppresssion of my critical posts, and apparently those of some other people, after having repeatedly "memory holed" my perfectly legitimate criticism and dissent.

Chris Walton has "routinely deleted" my posts to his blog, and has banned me from posting to his blog at all, because my protests against very real and very well-documented U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy is a bit more than he cares to handle on his blog. It is even possible that his "employers" instructed him to ban me from his blog. When I protested against U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of 25 Beacon Street in May 2000 I tried to get the UU World magazine to responsibly report on my protest and the U*U anti-religious intolerance and bigotry that is its "root cause". The editorial staff of the UU World refused to send a reporter down to their doorstep where I was standing for a couple of days. After returning to Montreal, I telephoned UU World editor Tom Stites to try to persuade him to do a story about my protest. His very first words to me once I had introduced myself to him were, "I am under instructions not to talk to you." When I asked Tom Stites whose "instructions" he was "under" he tersely replied, "My employers." I had hoped for a name or two, like former UUA President Rev. Dr. John A* Buehrens for instance, who was President of the UUA at the time and who had willfully ignored and callously dismissed my protest when he had seen me. . . In any case, the upshot of all this is that if top-level UUA administrators instructed former UU World editor Tom Stites not to talk to me at all. . . they obviously also instructed him not to run a story about my protest in front of 25 Beacon Street, or the larger conflict my Boston protest arose from, in the UU World. If the UUA can "instruct" a UU World editor to not even talk to me on the phone, let alone run a story about my protests in the UU World, presumably they can similarly provide "instructions" to Chris Walton not to publish my critical comments on his Philocrites blog.

To be honest, in that the UU World magazine is nothing more and nothing less than a carefully controlled propaganda organ for the UUA, I have sometimes wondered to what extent Tom Stites, Chris Walton, and other UU World editorial staff can be properly considered to be journalists. I once protested against the Montreal Gazette's repeated refusal to responsibly report on my trials and tribulations with the Unitarian Church of Montreal, and other perfectly newsworthy stories that 'The Gazette' has chosen not to cover, by displaying a picket sign slogan saying --


The very same slogan could most certainly be applied to the UU World's refusla to responsibly report on my protest and the conflict it arises from. Where might the "U*U World" be today if the UU World magazine had provided fair and balanced news coverage, and perhaps even a feature story or two, about my conflict with the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee etc. in 2002 or earlier? I can't imagine that we would be where we are today, still locked into a Unitarian standoff, of epic proportions. . . because the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee obstinately refuse to do the right thing.
Anonymous said…
Two things: My employers have given me no instructions about the content of my blog or about comments posted there by readers. My blog is and always has been entirely my own. After spending a month back in 2005 cleaning up Robin's spam comments on my blog, and engaging in a fruitless round of correspondence about comment etiquette with him, I banned him and wrote about the privilege of commenting on my site — but I also suggested to him that he launch a blog rather than waste his energy spamming other blogs. Now he's doing both.

Second: I can't speak for Tom Stites, but I will make one blunt point about UU World, and then I'll let Robin rant away: The magazine does not cover internal conflicts in UU congregations. UU World does not have the resources, or the mandate, to do so. There is no reasonable way in which Robin's complaint has ever merited an external investigation by an American denominational magazine into the Montreal congregation's affairs.

That's all I have to say about the matter. If readers have questions about the magazine's policies, they're welcome to contact us.
Robin Edgar said…
I do not consider it a "waste of energy" to make the occasional alleged SPAM post to Chris Walton's Philocrites blog or any other U*U blog. If I considered it to be a "waste of energy" I would not bother to comment on his blog at all. People can decide for themselves whether my comments on U*U blogs are SPAM or not. A fair number of U*Us do not seem to consider my comments to be SPAM because they not only do not "memory hole" them but respond to them. . .

:Second: I can't speak for Tom Stites,

Indeed you cannot Chris. And apparently, former UU World editor Tom Stites cannot even speak for himself. . . N'est-ce pas Chris?

:but I will make one blunt point about UU World, and then I'll let Robin rant away:

That's right Chris. Characterize my legitimate criticiosm of the UU World's refusal to report protests against U*U anti-religious intolerance and bigotry, UUA clergy misconduct, and abject failure and outright refusal of the Ministerial Fellowship Committee to responsibly redress mu own and other victims of clergy misconduct's serious grievances as a "rant".

:The magazine does not cover internal conflicts in UU congregations.

No kidding. . . I wonder why?

:UU World does not have the resources, or the mandate, to do so.

The key word here being "mandate". . . The UU World certainly had, and still has, the "resources" to responsibly report on my public protest against U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of 25 Beacon Street in May of 2000. . . Tom Stites was "under instructions" from his "employers" not to talk to0 me at all. Top level UUA administrators did not want hiom to know about my story let alone report it in the UU World.

:There is no reasonable way in which Robin's complaint has ever merited an external investigation by an American denominational magazine into the Montreal congregation's affairs.

This is typical DIM Thinking U*U BS. There are no shortage of reasonable ways in which my legitimate complaints merit an external investigation into how the UUA's negligent and effectively complicit Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and now its department of Congregational Services under the questionable leadership of Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris, respond to my own and other people's serious grievances about the unbecoming conduct, or otherwise abusive clergy misconduct, of U*U ministers. My public protest in front of the UUA's corporate headquarters at 25 Beacon Street in Boston, in May 2000, targeted UUA and MFC negligence and complicity, as should be obvious from my picket sign slogans that may be seen in the photographs on The Emerson Avenger blog post about my Boston protest that I linked to earlier in this thread.




Neither Rev. Ray Drennan, nor the Unitarian Church of Montreal, were even mentioned on my picket signs. I was protesting against the negligent and complicit responses of the UUA and its Ministerial Fellowship Committee to my own serious complaints about clergy misconduct, and the legitimate complaints of other victims of clergy misconduct committed by U*U ministers, including serious complaints about clergy sexual misconduct. The now defunct group of UU advocates for victims of clergy misconduct 'UUs For Right Relations' had given the blessing to my protest, which I had been willing to forego if they thought that it would do more harm than good. Some members of 'UUs for Right Relations' expressed disappointment that I was unable to stay a few days longer in order to protest at the UUA Trustees meeting that was being held in Boston on the following weekend. . .

This is not simply a question of "the Montreal congregation's affairs" as current UU World editor Chris Walton is trying to "spin" this matter here in his DIM Thinking collusion that seeks to Deny, Ignore, and Minimize the roles of the UUA, the aptly named Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and indeed the UU World magazine in this U*U affair. . .

:That's all I have to say about the matter.

I expect that you will have more to say about this matter down the road a bit Chris. Start spreading the news. . . I'm coming to town. . .

:If readers have questions about the magazine's policies, they're welcome to contact us.

Yes, please do. I would encourage U*Us and even non-U*Us reading this post to contact the UU World editorial staff, and even UUA President Bill Sinkford, and to seriously question the rather questionable policies of the UU World propaganda organ in this matter and in other U*U affairs that they refuse to report on. . .
Robin Edgar said…
Oh well. . .

UU World editor Christopher L. Walton aka Chris Walton has finally got around to blocking the ISP address that I am currently suing so that I cannot post anything to his Philocrites blog while I am on this particular computer.

No worries.

There are more ISP fish in the sea when I want to fry some more U*U fish on his Philocrites blog.

Here is the comment that I had intended to post just now to his appropriately titled Hear me now or hear me later. thread -

You might want to do some "critical reflection" on my response to your comments on my blog. And this bit of U*U "direct experience". . .

end quote

In the "Be careful what you ask for lest U*Us get it. . ." department, U*Us can indeed thank U*U World editor Chris Walton for the existence of The Emerson Avenger blog.