
Showing posts from September, 2019

Ask An Atheist Day And Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up - What's The Connection?

Unitarian Universalist Thanksgiving Blessings And Unitarian Universalist Pedophiles And Rapists: What's The Connection?

Mouvement Action Justice And Unitarian Universalist Censorship And Suppression Of Freedom Of Speech - What's The Connection?

Oprah Winfrey Unitarian Universalist Sex Slavery And Child Sex Abuse - What's The Connection?

Reverend Todd Eklof's Gadfly Papers And Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Congregation In Lachine Quebec - What's The Connection?

Rev. Todd Eklof Viciously Kicks Fascist Unitarian Universalist Group Thinkers In Their Big Fat U*U Balls!

Friday The 13th And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sex Offenders - What's The Connection?

Rev. Munro Sickafoose Of The Unitarian Congregation Of Taos Viciously Kicks The UUMA Board And Executive In Their Big Fat U*U Balls!

UUMA Censure Of Rev. Todd Eklof For 'The Gadfly Papers' And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sex Abuse Including Rape - What's The Connection?

The Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association's Censure Of Rev. Todd Eklof And UUA Clergy Abuse - What's The Connection?

UUA Vice President Carey McDonald Viciously Kicks Former UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen Kay Montgomery In Her Big Fat U*U Balls!