The Revered Doctor Michael James Tino And Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial - What's The Connection?

How about this comment that I just UNsuccessfully attempted to post to the Unitarian Universalist 'Church' of the Larger Fellowship's Daily Compass blog post about 'Boundaries', that calls into question his questionable censorship and suppression of my comments that expose and denounce past and apparently ongoing Unitarian Universalist censorship and suppression of readily verifiable facts aka the Truth just for starters?

And I say 'just for starters' because I can and will say quite a bit more about how former UUA Board Trustee Rev. Michael Tino was, and apparently still is. . . not only passively complicit in Unitarian Universalist child sex abuse cover-up and Denial, but actively involved in it in one way or another. . . 


Rev. Dr. Michael James Tino, can you please explain to me, and everyone else who might read this comment, how deleting aka 'memory holing' the comments I posted to the Daily Compass blog's 'Accountability' post yesterday amounts to you and the Daily Compass blog, to say nothing of the Unitarian Universalist 'Church' of the Larger Fellowship and the UUA as institutions, 'setting healthy and robust boundaries'?

How does such censorship and suppression of the readily verifiable facts aka truth about past and apparently ongoing Unitarian Universalist cover-up and denial of UUA clergy misconduct that includes child rape, honour and uphold the inherent dignity and worthiness of ALL people, including victims of Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct and clergy abuse critics and whistleblowers?

What can possibly justify you and-or someone else who manages the Daily Compass blog, saying 'NO' to me sharing my legitimate and very serious concerns about not only Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct, but past and apparently ongoing. . . UUA mishandling of clergy misconduct complaints and UUA institutional cover-up and denial of clergy sexual misconduct that includes child molestation and child rape?

I provided Fair Warning to you, and all other Unitarian Universalists reading my comments, that I would consider it to be an act of accountability evading censorship, and of form of Unitarian Universalist oppression, for anyone to delete aka memory hole my comments on the 'Accountability' post, or any other comment that I post to the Daily Compass, yet you or someone else managing the Daily Compass blog went ahead and deleted aka 'memory holed' my two comments.

I set a healthy boundary around the censorship and suppression of my legitimate public criticism of Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct, and UUA mishandling and cover-up and denial thereof, but you completely disregarded that boundary. . .

