Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial Defines UUA Leaders Who Are Implicated Or Complicit In It. . .

But don't take my word for it U*Us, take the word of former UUA Board Trustee, and current co-Lead Minister of the UUA's 'Church of the Larger Fellowship', Rev. Dr. Michael Tino aka Reverend Doctor Evil. 


“All of those things that go wrong define who we are.”


OK, so I took the not so good Reverend Doctor's words out of context to make a point about how things that go wrong do in fact define who U*Us are to some extent, especially when those U*Us are individually or collectively responsible for those things that go wrong”.

For example, brazenly lying about child sex abuse committed by Unitarian Universalist ministers in a UUA Board of Trustees 'official apology for clergy sexual misconduct' that was inappropriately inserted into the middle of “less than honest” UUA Moderator Jim Key's first Moderator's Report to a General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association not only defines Jim Key aka Risk Management consultant James “See NO Evil” Key as a Big Fat U*U Liar and child sex abuse denier, but defines every single U*U who was a UUA Board Trustee in June 2014 as Big Fat U*U Liars and child sex abuse deniers. . .


That would seem to include Rev. Dr. Michael Tino aka Reverend Doctor Evil because, even if Rev. Dr. Michael Tino's term as a UUA Board Trustee ended prior to the UUA Board of Trustees dishonestly minimizing the extent and seriousness of U*U clergy sexual misconduct in general, and brazenly lying about child sex abuse committed by UUA ministers by officially denying any sexual abuse of children by Pedophile Unitarian*Universalist Clergy aka PU*UC, he would have been a UUA Board Trustee leading up to that “less than honest” UUA Board apology”, and thus implicated in it. Additionally, I am not aware of Rev. Dr. Michael Tino ever speaking out against the misleading misinformation and demonstrably false disinformation aka brazen lies that UUA Moderator Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees spewed in their “less than sincere” and thus utterly worthless “official apology” so, at minimum, Rev. Dr. Tino is guilty of complicit silence in UUA child sex abuse cover-up and denial.

And that just one of multiple things that went wrong that define not just UUA Moderators and UUA Board Trustees, but multiple other top-level leaders of the Unitarian Universalist Ass.

