Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial Is Depressing
But don't take my word for it U*Us, take yeswab's word for it. . .
It's not just plausible, it's provable.
The UUA Board's disingenuous gaslighting 'official apology' for clergy sexual misconduct may be read, and even watched, here -
There were no incidents of abuse of children or elders in UUA Moderator Jim Key's 'investigations'?
The UUA's official list of ministers who were removed from fellowship for clergy misconduct may be read here -
It includes three ministers who were removed from fellowship for child sex abuse -
1984 Alexander (Sandy) McEachern: Conduct Unbecoming (sexual misconduct - criminal conviction for child molestation)
1988 John Harold Hawkins: Removed for Non-disclosure of Previous Felony Conviction (sexual misconduct with a minor)
1993 Mack Mitchell: Removed for Conduct Unbecoming (criminal conviction for statutory rape and kidnapping)
Good Lord, this is depressing.