UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt And UUA Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial - What's The Connection?
Last night it came to my attention that UUA President Rev. Sofía Betancourt had blocked me on Bluesky, so I decided to see whether or not she had also blocked me on Facebook. A Facebook search for - Rev. Sofía Betancourt UUA - found her Facebook account here:
And it was clear from the fact that I could see and read all of her posts on her Facebook account that Rev. Sofía Betancourt had not pre-emptively blocked me. So I decided to share my concerns about Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct matters with President Betancourt in some comments posted to some of her Facebook posts.
This morning I decided to follow-up with some additional comments and invited Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt to engage 'in open conversation aka dialogue with me regarding my legitimate and very serious concerns about not only clergy misconduct itself, but the negligent and complicit mishandling of clergy misconduct complaints, the obstruction of justice for clergy misconduct complainants, the silencing of complainants, and the apparently ongoing concealment aka cover-up of clergy sexual misconduct that includes child sex abuse.'
Sadly, it would appear that UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt is not interested in engaging in a free and open public conversation about Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct matters with me on her Facebook account because, soon after I posted that comment, she decided to block me. . .
By blocking me, instead of agreeing to engage in free and open conversation aka dialogue with me about Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct and UUA cover-up and denial thereof, UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt not only closed her eyes to my legitimate and serious concerns in an act of willful blindness aka willful ignorance aka aveuglement volontaire, but concealed all the comments I posted in response to some of her Facebook posts from anyone who might see them and care to read them on her Facebook account. That makes Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt a knowing and willful participant in UUA concealment aka cover-up of Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct that includes, but is by no means limited to, what the UUA's Canadian attorney described as 'such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape' when he threatened me with criminal prosecution for blasphemous libel in UUA child sex abuse cover-up legal bullying in June 2012.
Here are screen shots of some of the comments that UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt prevented any person of inherent worth and dignity from reading by blocking me this morning.