Saint Valentine's Day And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct - What's The Connection?

How about the following words of Rev. Tom Schade that were published to the interconnected web of the internet on Thursday aka Thor's Day, February 14, 2013, which also happened to be Saint Valentine's Day 2013, just for starters?


'the radical break with traditional sexual morality allowed previously existing tradition of ministerial sexual misconduct to surface and even claim legitimacy.'

Who knew that there was a 'previously existing tradition' of Unitarian Universalist 'ministerial sexual misconduct' aka clergy sexual misconduct that was allowed to surface, and even claim legitimacy, following a 'radical break with traditional sexual morality' that occurred in the mid-to-late 1960s aka The Sexual Revolution?

Rev. Tom Schade apparently. . .

When one considers that the American Unitarian Association only merged aka consolidated with the Universalist Church of America less than a decade earlier in 1961, it would seem that this alleged or actual Unitarian*Universalist aka U*U 'tradition of ministerial sexual misconduct' existed previously in the American Unitarian Association and-or the Universalist Church of America.

Why does famous Unitarian Reverend Horatio Alger come to mind here?


In light of the fact that a minimum of 400 Unitarian Universalist 'churches' have been affected by ministerial sexual misconduct aka clergy sexual misconduct of one kind or another, yet only a small number of Unitarian Universalist ministers have ever been removed from fellowship for clergy sexual misconduct, one does have to wonder just how many clergy sexual misconduct scandals have been 'suppressed' by either the UUA, and-or the Unitarian Universalist 'churches' where the scandals took place. . .
