Almost ALL Unitarian Universalist Congregations Are Reactive To Christianity & "God Talk"
But don't take *my* word for it U*Us.
Take the word of Rev. Matt Tittle, minister of Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, New Jersey, as Tweeted to his Twitter account earlier today. . .
"Almost every UU congregation is reactive to Christianity, God talk, etc. Why?"
Take the word of Rev. Matt Tittle, minister of Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, New Jersey, as Tweeted to his Twitter account earlier today. . .
"Almost every UU congregation is reactive to Christianity, God talk, etc. Why?"
1: Christianity is responsible for all the "bad things" that have happened in this world, like the horrible way the European settlers treated the Native people here in the Americas, once the Europeans got here. The fact that European Christianity was a big factor in ending human sacrifice here in the Americas (see the Aztecs) is conveniently ignored.
2: For a huge percentage of UUs, ANY talk of "religion" (which also means use of words like "liturgy" and "church" and "prayer" and "sermon" and "minister" etc etc) is considered unenlightened, primitive, stone-age, superstitious, etc etc. So in order to be "truly enlightened" you cannot have any of that R-word stuff.
3: I think lots of UUs assume that most mainstream Christians are biblical literalists. This is, of course, NOT the case, but I think they believe it anyway.
If I think of a few more points, I'll make them in another comment. My train of thought just became a runaway.
I am well acquainted with UU words and actions that support your contentions here. Rev. Ray Drennan, who labeled Creation Day as "our cult", my revelatory religious experience as "your psychotic experience", and arrogantly dismissed my monotheistic religious beliefs as being nothing but "silliness and fantasy", once preached from the pulpit of the Unitarian Church of Montreal that God is "a non-existent being" and that belief in God "seems primitive". . . Above and beyond this, he publicly trashed former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau's state funeral in The Gazette because in his "fundamentalist atheist" secular Humanist world-view Pierre Trudeau's state funeral should not have been a Roman Catholic rite. I expect however that the anti-Catholic "bad attitude" of Rev. Raymond Drennan's "Orangeman" Presbytarian religious heritage played a role in his ironically titled 'Wrong Message' Op/Ed in The Gazette.
Needless to say this is only my recounting one particular UU minister's intolerant and abusive behavior but Rev. Ray Drennan is by no means the only UU minister to hold such questionable views that make a mockery of the claimed principles and purposes of Unitarian Universalism. And then UUs wonder why "The U*U Movement" is such a "tiny, declining, fringe religion". . .