Ever So Creative Stikeman Elliott Lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe Is Viciously Kicked In His Big Fat U*U Balls By Pablo Picasso!

In this plagU*Urized version of today's Daily Compass blog post, courtesy of the UUA's Church of the Larger Fellowship. . .

“The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense.”

Inspired by the above Pablo Picasso quote,

I have decided to plagU*Urize a few more. . .

“The U*U World today doesn't make sense,

so why should I paint pictures that do?”

“Everything U*Us can imagine is real.”

“The older you get, the stronger the wind gets;

and it's always in your face.”

U*U goals can only be reached

through a vehicle of a plan,

in which U*Us must fervently believe,

and upon which U*Us must vigorously act.

There is no other route to U*U success.”
