Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial And The UUA's Church of the Larger Fellowship - What's The Connection?

How about this comment that I just posted in response to this post titled Ignored on The Church of the Larger Fellowship's Daily Compass blog?

I see facts about Unitarian Universalist clergy sex abuse, including sexual abuse of children by pedophile and hebophile UUA clergy, being not only ignored, but even being officially denied, in former UUA Moderator Jim Key's utterly worthless UUA Board apology to victims of Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual misconduct aka clergy sex abuse that he inappropriately sandwiched into the middle of his first Moderator's Report to a General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association on June 28, 2014.

I have a feeling that the above comment will never see the light of day on The Church of the Larger Fellowship's Daily Compass blog. . .
