Which Unitarian Universalist Minister In Final Fellowship Propositioned Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang When He Was Still Married?

Just asking. . .

Based on this "confession" from Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein found in the  'A Word For The Creepers' blog post of her Peacebang's Beauty Tips For Misconducting Ministers blog.

"In twenty-two years of ministry I have briefly dated one colleague. When he first propositioned me he was in final fellowship, still married, and I was a seminarian. I’ve learned a lot since then. I did tell him off at the time but I also should have reported him to the Association. He was a charming, self-effacing and serial violator of professional boundaries."

It occurs to me *now* that being "a charming, self-effacing and serial violator of professional boundaries" sure beats being a "less than charming", narcissistic, serial violator of professional boundaries. . .
