First Unitarian Portland And UUA Clergy Sex Abuse Cover-Up Efforts - What's The Connection?

How about these three U*UTube videos documenting not only how the former Senior Minister of First Unitarian Portland, former UUA President Bill Sinkford aka Rev. William G. Sinkford, mendaciously minimized Unitarian*Universalist clergy sexual misconduct that includes child sexual abuse most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian*Universalist ministers" in a blog post published on First Unitarian Portland's web site ironically titled 'The Place Where We Are Right', but the fact that *someone* managing First Unitarian Portland's U*UTube channel thought it would be a good idea to delete aka "memory hole" my original comment exposing and denouncing Rev. Bill Sinkford's mendacious minimization of Unitarian*Universalist clergy sex abuse so that no person of inherent worth and dignity can practice Unitarian*Universalism's 4th Principle that calls upon Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us to engage in "a free and responsible search for truth and meaning"?
