What's Wrong With Rev. Diane Rollert?

As I was engaging in my "alternative spiritual practice" of protesting against U*U anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal this morning, a woman approaching this alleged Unitarian Church stopped and asked me, "What's wrong with the new minister?" I answered her question by telling her about one particular thing that Rev. Diane Rollert has done that most people of intelligence and conscience will agree is wrong. In fact this woman seemed somewhat shocked by how I bluntly responded to her question about Rev. Diane Rollert with three words. Inspite of seeming to be somewhat shocked and surprised by what I said this woman seemed to be quite open to the possibility that what I told her in rather bluntly answering her question was true. I made it clear to her that what I had said about Rev. Rollert was "provable" and then told her that there were plenty of other things wrong with Rev. Diane Rollert. I guess this is yet another Unitarian*Universalist incident that validates my bon mot -

"Be careful what U*Us ask for, lest U*Us get it. . ."

Of course the thinly veiled subtext of this woman's question about the "new minister" was that, if there was nothing wrong with the Unitarian Church of Montreal's now not so brand-spanking new minister, I should not be continuing my protest in front of her so-called Unitarian Church. This woman, and no shortage of DIM Thinking Montreal Unitarians, don't seem to understand that I am protesting against the injustices, abuses and hypocrisy of the Unitarian Church of Montreal as an institution and congregation as well as various other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy found in the greater U*U World. Only a minority of my picket sign slogans have ever directly targeted the minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal. From the very beginning of my public protest in May of 1998 my picket signs have protested against the unjust, inequitable and far from compassionate actions of the Unitarian Church of Montreal as an institution as well as more widespread U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy, including those of the UUA and its negligent and effectively complicit Ministerial Fellowship Committee. Even if Rev. Diane Rollert had done nothing wrong since becoming the not so new, and not so settled. . . minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal that would not be a reason to end my protest, especially since I explicitly warned the Board of the Unitarian Church of Montreal that my public protest would continue into the term of the new minister if they failed to subject Rev. Ray Drennan to appropriate disciplinary action for his intolerant and abusive clergy misconduct prior to this U*U rat abandoning his sinking U*U Ship of Fools. . .

Although I have in the past written a few chalk slogans on the sidewalk in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal that directly target the failings of Rev. Diane Rollert I have yet to create any picket signs that protest against some of the things that are wrong with her, or the wrongs that she has committed. I will be getting around to that soon enough however, especially since Rev. Diane Rollert has now given me plenty of material to use to criticize her personally and publicly expose her own quite outrageous hypocrisy. Montreal Unitarians, other Unitarian*Universalists, and plenty of non-U*Us will know soon enough just what is wrong with Rev. Diane Rollert. If anyone is curious about how I responded to the question, "What is wrong with the new minister?" my immediate blunt response was, "She committed perjury." I then told this women that Rev. Diane Rollert had told at least three or four lies in her sworn testimony as a prosecution witness in criminal court and that some of her lies were provable. . .

I might add that, in addition to the outright lies that Rev. Diane Rollert told while under oath, she told a fair number of other falsehoods during her sworn testimony in court which may not be actual lies in that she may have believed them to be true. I did warn Rev. Rollert in my initial email communication to her that the Board of the Unitarian Church of Montreal would probably feed her a fair bit of misinformation and disinformation about me and this conflict but her chosen fate was to foolishly ignore those warnings and swallow the misleading half-truths and whole lies that the UCM's Board fed to her hook, line and sinker. . . That being said, the outright lies that Rev. Diane Rollert told to a judge in criminal court while under a solemn oath to tell the truth are her own doing and her own personal responsibility. I will be holding Rev. Rollert personally responsible for her perjurious lies to the extent that I am able to do so.


Robin Edgar said…
If you mean Rev. Diane Rollert is an idiot for doing what I described in this blog post I would have to concur. She has done even more idiotic things since then.