Does UUA President Peter Morales *Really* Believe In God? Or Is He Just Using The G Word Gratuitously And Just A Tad Disingenuously?

Based on various public statements that he has made over the years I was under the distinct impression that UUA President Peter Morales was an atheist Humanist U*U, and even a fairly strong atheist U*U at that. In fact, based on *some* of what President Peter Morales has said about his personal religious beliefs in the past I have reasonable grounds to believe that he may well have been one of those rather intolerant anti-religious atheists who former UUA President Rev. Dr. John A. Buehrens might describe as "obnoxious atheists" at one point of his "religious journey". So I was somewhat surprised to see President Morales quoted as saying -

"When we are connected with each other, we are one with God."

in a recent Beliefnet article titled -

'Tens of Thousands Rally in D.C. for Gay Rights'.

I believe that recently elected UUA President Rev. Peter Morales needs to clearly articulate just exactly what his beliefs about God are because, if he is indeed an atheist U*U aka a Humanist U*U, he should not be quite disingenuously, if not outright dishonestly. . . misleading the American public by making such public statements which leave uninformed people with the impression that Rev. Morales actually believes in God. To play current UUA President Rev. Peter Morales' own well documented words back at him -

“Either believe in God or don’t believe in God; don’t redefine God to mean something completely different.”

Nuff said?


Anonymous said…
What exactly makes you the ultimate authority on god? You bitch about UU's not believing in god then you bitch when someone drops the g-bomb? What exactly is your agenda? Don't you have anything better to do than make up a bunch of conspiracy theory garbage? Atheists define themselves on what they don't believe in - it seems to me that you do exactly the same.
Robin Edgar said…
What part of -

"Does UUA President Peter Morales *Really* Believe In God? Or Is He Just Using The G Word Gratuitously And Just A Tad Disingenuously?"

Did you FAIL to understand?

One does not have to be an "authority" on God to question President Morales disingenuous use of the G word.

Don't U*Us, including UUA President Peter Morales and "retired" UUA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery have anything better to do than make up a bunch of conspiracy theory garbage? LOL!

"Atheists define themselves on what they don't believe in - it seems to me that you do exactly the same."

LOL! Well I certainly don't believe in the bullshit that FAR too many U*Us, Atheist U*Us or otherwise, spew on a daily basis. . .