Reverend Paul Britner Condemns U*U Ignorance & Fear With Regards To The Dreaded Emerson Avenger
"I think it's important to stand up for diversity in our community and to stop what I think is increasing ignorance and fear based actions with regards to Robin Edgar,” said Reverend Paul Britner of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Montgomery, Alabama.
Source - U*U Pastors Cancel Robin Edgar Sucks Blog
Disclaimer - For the benefit of the DIM Thinking, and indeed remarkably dim thinking, "collective authorship" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog, and other boneheadedly stupid U*Us, this TEA blog post is a work of parody and satire.
Source - U*U Pastors Cancel Robin Edgar Sucks Blog
Disclaimer - For the benefit of the DIM Thinking, and indeed remarkably dim thinking, "collective authorship" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog, and other boneheadedly stupid U*Us, this TEA blog post is a work of parody and satire.