Harmony Unitarian Universalist Community Co-President Lindsey Sodano Declares My "Alternative Spiritual Practice" Of Standing Up For Myself And Others to Be Holiness!

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us.

Take the word of Harmony Unitarian Universalist Community co-president Lindsey Sodano herself, as published in this recent UU World article by Nicole Sweeney Etter entitled -

Harmony, the 'un-church'

“I think turning the other cheek 

in almost all situations is terrible advice. 

There’s a holiness in standing up for yourself

or standing up for others.”

 Here are some photographs of His Holiness The Emerson Avenger standing up for himself and others over the years. . .


Dave said…
"We’re the family that welcomes everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, creed, or age"- from Harmony's website. And that's a true statement. Noticeable by omission is any reference to political orientation. My recent experience taught me that a significant minority of the community champions intolerance in the name of tolerance, closed-mindedness in the name of open-mindedness, and hatred in the name of compassion. Unitarians have seven guiding principles- one of which is: The inherent worth and dignity of every person. I was told by a Harmony board member that principle no longer applies to me because I voted for Donald Trump. As Gandhi said- "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit". I recently left the Harmony after attending many years.
Robin Edgar said…
I am not the least bit surprised to hear this Dave. In my experience and observation Unitarian Universalists do a very poor job of living up to their effectively fraudulent Seven Principles and other U*U "religious" rhetoric. What part of, "The inherent worth and dignity of *every* person." did the Harmony Unitarian Universalist Community Board member FAIL to understand?