Montreal Unitarian Jeremy Searle Compares Québec Separatists To Harmful Insects And Hopes They Will Be Eradicated Within Ten Years. . .
Besides being an arrogant and abusive Montreal Unitarian, Jeremy Searle is a Montreal city councillor. During a recent city council meeting last Tuesday Jeremy Searle affirmed and promoted the inherent worth and dignity of Québec separatists by unfavorably comparing them to ash borer bugs. As if that wasn't bad enough Searle went on to express hoped that Québécois separatists might be "eradicated" in the coming years.
Needless to say Jeremy Searle is now a Unitarian Universalist in the media who is quite evidently suffering from yet another case of Unitarian Universalist "Foot-In-Mouth Disease".
Here is an article in The Gazette written by Montreal Unitarian Sue Montgomery entitled -
'Searle in bull’s eye after anti-separatist statements'
Here is an article in the Journal de Montreal entitled -
Un conseiller municipal choque: le mouvement souverainiste, un insecte à éliminer.
Searle gets a "less than honourable" mention in this Sorel-Tracy magazine article.
This papitibi blog post nominating Jeremy Searle as Le Goujat De La Semaine is the source of the parody image of Searle used above.
This blog post is a work in progress and will be updated over the next few days.
Who are the morons who elected it?
When will they apologize to each and every Quebecer of all language groups?