MANY Unitarian Universalist Churches ARE Dysfunctional
But don't take *my* word for it U*Us. . .
Take the word of Universalist "Christian" U*U minister Rev. Scott Wells, as posted to The Inter-Connected Web of the internet in his brand spanking new 'Boy In The Bands' blog post entitled -
"And with SO many churches reputed to be “clergy killers” or otherwise dysfunctional, who can blame them?"
I can't help but notice that Rev. Scott Wells does not deign to consider the very real possibility that the very reason that SO many U*U "churches" ARE "reputed to be “clergy killers”* or otherwise dysfunctional" is because SO many U*U "churches" have been negatively affected by not only U*U clergy sexual misconduct, including but not limited to what the UUA's Canadian attorney describes as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". . . but also by various non-sexual forms of U*U clergy misconduct that the UUA and MFC aka Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee not only turn willfully blind eyes to, but even go to extreme lengths to cover-up and even officially deny?
* It depends upon what the meaning of the term "clergy killers" is. . .
Take the word of Universalist "Christian" U*U minister Rev. Scott Wells, as posted to The Inter-Connected Web of the internet in his brand spanking new 'Boy In The Bands' blog post entitled -
"And with SO many churches reputed to be “clergy killers” or otherwise dysfunctional, who can blame them?"
I can't help but notice that Rev. Scott Wells does not deign to consider the very real possibility that the very reason that SO many U*U "churches" ARE "reputed to be “clergy killers”* or otherwise dysfunctional" is because SO many U*U "churches" have been negatively affected by not only U*U clergy sexual misconduct, including but not limited to what the UUA's Canadian attorney describes as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". . . but also by various non-sexual forms of U*U clergy misconduct that the UUA and MFC aka Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee not only turn willfully blind eyes to, but even go to extreme lengths to cover-up and even officially deny?
* It depends upon what the meaning of the term "clergy killers" is. . .