Unitarian Universalist Ministers Work Insane Hours For Crappy Wages Serving Petty Critics In Their U*U "Churches"

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us.

Take the word of *The* Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang aka Vicki The Impaler as posted to the ever so inter-connected and inter-dependent interwebs in this little Tweet of hers. . .

Apparently working insane hours for crappy wages serving petty critics at the Unitarian Universalist "Church" of Greater Lynn in Swampscott, Massachusetts, is the cause of Big Fat U*U Pastor Peacebang's proclivity to overeat if I interpret her Big Fat U*U Tweet correctly.


Chalicechick said…
Here's the post she was actually referring to, which is mostly about Christian churches as it is a response to a Christian woman who wrote to her: http://beautytipsforministers.com/2015/12/19/peacebang-responds-to-a-fat-hater/

Citizen Charles Foster Kane said…
Emerson doesn't need avenging, and even if he did, you certainly don't have the stones or the intellectual capacity to do it. But here are some song lyrics that speak to your situation:

Life's not been good for you
It's just not fair
You did nothing to deserve it
You did nothing at all
Sit back and watch
It turns from bad to worse
No matter how loud you cry
It always hurts

Boy I'm glad I'm not in your shoes

How could things
Get any worse for you?
You're so fucking alone
How could things
Get any worse for you?
I don't blame you
When you piss and moan

Everybody gets
What you should've got
Everybody takes
Your opportunities
Everybody gets
The breaks that belonged to you
Everybody takes
Your just desserts

Life's not been good for you
It's just not fair
I've got some news for you
Nothing is fair
I wish there was a way
To make it all better
I pray for a way
To make you happy
Cause I'm sick and I'm tired
Of your whining, complaining, and bitching and moaning
Boo fucking hoo
Robin Edgar said…
"Citizen Charles Foster Kane" said:

"Emerson doesn't need avenging, and even if he did, you certainly don't have the stones or the intellectual capacity to do it."

Apparently Citizen Charles Foster Kane doesn't have the intellectual capacity to do correctly interpret the title of this blog, which is not about avenging Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"Cause I'm sick and I'm tired
Of your whining, complaining, and bitching and moaning
Boo fucking hoo"

That's kinda ironic in that this particular blog post is about Peacebang's whining, complaining, and bitching and moaning. Boo fucking hoo to you too Citizen Kane. :-)
Robin Edgar said…
"Here's the post she was actually referring to, which is mostly about Christian churches as it is a response to a Christian woman who wrote to her: http://beautytipsforministers.com/2015/12/19/peacebang-responds-to-a-fat-hater/"

Peacebang has managed to block me from reading her blogs. Or perhaps I should say Peacebang's partner in crime Rev. Scott Wells has done something to prevent me from viewing Peacebang's blogs that are hosted by him.

The fact remains that Peacebang's Tweet was clearly autobiographical and thus applies to her own U*U "church" and other U*U "churches". It's not the first time I have heard about U*U ministers being poorly paid. OTOH I have also heard of certain "star" U*U ministers being paid very high salaries.