*Certified* Risk Management Consultant James C. Key aka UUA Moderator Jim "See No Evil" Key Is Viciously Demonized By Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein
In this plagU*Urized quote from U*U small town pastor Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's
'Beauty Tips For Ministers' blog post entitled 'Small Town Pastor'.
"Don’t you get too comfy corduroy or cookie-baking in your persona. Sin is real, Satan is a liar and he is in your community like he’s in every other one I ever heard of. You stay sharp and shiny, ya hear?"
"Don’t you get too comfy corduroy or cookie-baking in your persona. Sin is real, Satan is a liar and he is in your community like he’s in every other one I ever heard of. You stay sharp and shiny, ya hear?"
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