U*U Theologian Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker Viciously Kicks The UUA Enablers Of Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang aka Vicki The Impaler In Their Big Fat U*U Balls*!

In this plagU*Urized quotation aka quote of Unitarian Universalist minister, theologian, and author Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker that I have plagU*Urized from an All Souls Unitarian "Church" Washington D.C.'s web page announcing that Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker will be sabbatical minister and theologian-in-resident during All U*U Souls senior minister The Rev. Dr. Robert M. Hardies’ sabbatical.

"Legacies of violence, terror and trauma continue to bring anguish into the world. Now more than ever, people of conscience and love need to do the hard work of theological thinking that deconstructs religion that sanctions violence. We need to re-dedicate ourselves to the creation of life-giving theologies, justice-making religious communities, and joy-infusing spiritual practices. This is the calling to which my life is devoted."

The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker

* It depends upon what the meaning of the word "balls" is. . .
