Defamation Lawyer Marc-André Coulombe Gets Yet Another "Electronic Communication" Courtesy Of The Emerson Avenger On The Occasion Of The Fifth Anniversary Of Falsely Accusing Yours Truly Of Blasphemous Libel Etc.

Re: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself
TEA Time on Thursday aka Thor's Day June 1st, 2017

Maitre Coulombe,

It has now been five full years since I politely asked you to clearly identify exactly which The Emerson Avenger blog posts you and your "less than honest" U*U clients assert to constitute the archaic criminal act of "blasphemous libel", to say nothing of "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment against women Unitarian Universalist ministers". To date you have not done so, nor have your U*U clients. Neither you, nor your "less than honest" U*U clients, have offered up a single scrap of evidence to support the highly questionable accusations that you brought against me in the stunningly hubristic cease and desist demand letter that you sent to me via email on Friday June 1st, 2012, and which I was later officially (and indeed quite happily) served with by a Montreal bailiff. As I am sure you are now aware, I am more than happy to stand falsely accused of the archaic crime of "blasphemous libel" by immoral, UNethical, and I dare say #BatShitCrazy Atheist U*Us such as former UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales (who rather foolishly chose April Fools Day 2017 to resign as UUA President), "retired" UUA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen "Kay" Montgomery, and other implicated Atheist UUA leaders, to say nothing of the ever so "Christian" U*U Rev. Dr. Vicki The Impaler aka Peacebang.

I hereby take this fifth anniversary of being falsely accused of the crime of "blasphemous libel" by you and your #BatShitCrazy U*U clients, which include the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) as an institution, and thus the Unitarian Universalist "church" as a "religion", to remind you all that I will be, and am. . . governing myself according to being falsely accused of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in UUA clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying until such a time as you, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors as a law firm, and the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" formerly known as "The U*U Movement" formally withdraw that patently false accusation, and publicly apologize for shamelessly misusing and abusing Canada's blasphemy law in immoral, UNethical, borderline criminal, #BatShitCrazy and indeed Truly despicable clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying that was*is quite obviously intended to conceal "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers".

You may recall that I long ago demanded that the UUA should deliver an official
public apology for its utterly shameful misuse and abuse of Canada's blasphemy law during the UUA's so-called "Justice GA" in Phoenix AZ in June of 2012, but UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales and other "less than competent" UUA leaders miserably FAILed, and indeed quite stubbornly refused, to do so. Please inform your U*U clients that I expect the newly elected President of the UUA, whoever she may be, to publicly apologize for the UUA's immoral, UNethical, borderline criminal, #BatShitCrazy and indeed Truly despicable blasphemous libel accusation against me very soon after being elected during this year's UUA GA, which happens to be another so-called "Justice GA" in New Orleans, Louisiana.

To be 100% clear, I expect the UUA's public apology for misusing Canada's blasphemy law in clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying to be delivered by the UUA's newly elected President in front of thousands of U*U delegates while the UUA's 2017 "Justice GA" is still in progress following her election. I will not accept a UUA apology from the current interim co-presidents of the UUA because they include a former UUA President who has not only been credibly accused of clergy sexual misconduct himself, but who FAILed if not refused to respond to various clergy misconduct complaints, including a clergy sexual misconduct complaint arising out of alleged sexual assault against a young woman allegedly committed by what you would call "a woman Unitarian Universalist minister", in a manner that lived up to Unitarian Universalism's Second Principle which calls for justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

As much as I am thoroughly enjoying the Truly unique honour and privilege of BEing falsely accused of "blasphemous libel" in 21st century Canada by #BatShitCrazy Atheist U*Us, all good things must come to a Big Fat U*U End.


Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger

* Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole"

From: Robin Edgar
To: Marc-André Coulombe
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself

Without Prejudice

Dear Maitre Coulombe,

This email is to acknowledge receipt of the legal letter (mis en demeure?) that you sent me as an attachment to your initial email to me.

I only received this email earlier today and have not yet received the "hard copy" that you apparently sent to my brother's address via a bailiff.

It would be helpful if you clearly identified exactly which The Emerson Avenger blog posts you consider to constitute "blasphemous libel" & "sexual harassment" etc. by providing me with their URLs and/or blog titles. It is very unlikely that any TEA blog posts will be removed by next Monday (June 4, 2012) if you do not clearly identify which specific blog posts you demand the removal of. In light of the very short notice that you have provided I would ask for a reasonable deadline extension so that I may consult with my own legal advisers as to how best to proceed in this matter.


Robin Edgar

From: Marc-André Coulombe
To: ""
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 10:20:17 AM
Subject: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself

Please refer to the attached letter.
Marc-André Coulombe
Tél./Tel : (514) 397-3395
STIKEMAN ELLIOTT S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l. / LLP   Avocats / Barristers & Solicitors
1155, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, 40e étage, Montréal, QC, Canada  H3B 3V2
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