SPVM Groupe Intervention Riot Cops And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Abuse Cover-Up - What's The Connection?

Well. . . besides the fact that it was SPVM Groupe Intervention riot cops responsible for handling security at Montreal city hall during Montreal city council meetings who arrested me for alleged criminal harassment of Montreal Unitarian clergy abuse enabler Sue Montgomery during the December 2017 Montreal city council meeting, as I was waiting to ask Montréal mairesse Valérie Plante a question about how to file a formal ethics complaint against Projet Montreal's "less than ethical" mayor of Montreal's Côte-des-Neiges Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough; two SPVM Groupe Intervention riot cops decided to intervene in my almost two decade old peaceful public protest outside the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal yesterday, just minutes after I had spoken with SPVM officers from PDQ 11 who had been called to the "church" as a result of a complaint called in by "less than honest" Montreal Unitarians. I had quite a pleasant chat about my ongoing peaceful public protest against Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse etc. with the driver of the Groupe Intervention van that parked in the bike lane in front of the "church" during the riot cops' intervention, and I asked him to say hello to his colleague M.M. Roy, who was the Groupe Intervention officer who officially handled my arrest at Montreal city hall on Monday December 11th, 2017, in a manner that I consider to be very polite, professional, and respectful. As I told M.M. Roy's colleagues yesterday, it was a pleasure to be arrested by him and his female partner.

Here is my first Tweet about this first actual SPVM Groupe Intervention intervention in my Unitarian "Church" of Montreal protest yesterday.

Here is the U*UTube video that records yesterday's interaction with SPVM officers from PDQ 11, followed by the intervention of the SPVM Groupe Intervention riot cops.
