The Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association aka UUMA Officially "Apologizes" For UUMA FAILures To Take Appropriate Action on U*U Clergy Sexual Misconduct

I only became aware of this comparatively recent "UUMA Apology Letter for Sexual Misconduct" yesterday, and I came across it quite accidentally. It seems that this UUMA apology for mishandling of clergy sexual misconduct complaints has not been well publicized by the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association aka UUMA or the Unitarian Universalist Association aka UUA. In fact the only Unitarian Universalist institution that has made it public is the Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church aka PUUC on this PUUC web page which says:

Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association Apologizes for Failures to Take Appropriate Action on Sexual Misconduct

The national professional association for Unitarian Universalist ministers has issued a letter of apology for FAILing to always act and/or respond appropriately throughout its history in cases of sexual misconduct involving clergy.

The June 3 letter was sent to all UU ministers and provides contact information for anyone who wants to issue a complaint or needs support resources. The letter is signed by the executive team of the UUMA and its professional staff.

In part, the letter reads:

To those who have been harmed by the actions and inactions of current or past members of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers’ Association, we deeply and honestly apologize for the failures of our institution and commit ourselves to building a UUMA in which you will have faith that we will not repeat the sins of our past.

end quote

And posts an image of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association's "Apology Letter" without providing a transcript of its problematic content. . .

I will be pointing out the problems in its problematic content, as well as the problems in how it has been distributed, or indeed kept largely hidden by the UUMA, in the coming days, weeks, and months. . .
