National Center For Youth Law And Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up Legal Bullying - What's The Connection?
How about this little Tweet of mine that I just sent in response to this little Tweet of the National Center For Youth Law?
Powerful words from the @StikemanElliott defamation lawyer of the "religious" organization (@UUA) that submitted an #AmicusBrief opposing #BlasphemyLaws as being #UNconstitutional in 2010: #UUA #ChildSexAbuse #CoverUp #LegalBullying #Unitarian #ChurchToo
Powerful words from the @StikemanElliott defamation lawyer of the "religious" organization (@UUA) that submitted an #AmicusBrief opposing #BlasphemyLaws as being #UNconstitutional in 2010: #UUA #ChildSexAbuse #CoverUp #LegalBullying #Unitarian #ChurchToo