Mothers Day And Unitarian Universalist Child Abuse - What's The Connection?

How about this little Tweet of mine responding to this little Tweet of CBC Radio journalist Rebecca Ugolini about how it has become something of a tradition for me to devote Mothers Day Sunday to protesting against the fact that rather too many Unitarian*Universalist mothers, including Montreal Unitarian Sue Montgomery, and current UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, to name but two such U*U mothers, are complicit in Unitarian*Universalist cover-up and denial of clergy sex abuse, which includes a certain amount of child sex abuse committed by Unitarian*Universalist clergy, too say nothing of UUA Religious Educators?

Please note that I said "child abuse" not "child sex abuse" in the title of this blog post. That is because, in addition to being complicit in the cover-up and denial of child sex abuse, indeed "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape (of children), most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to say nothing of certain UUA Religious Educators etc., many Unitarian Universalist mothers also turn a blind eye to non-sexual child abuse committed by UUA "pastors", such as Rev. Victoria Weinstein kicking a parishioner's child in the U*U twice and HARD. So I protest against Unitarian Universalist mothers being complicit in, if not knowing and willful participants in, the cover-up and denial of ALL forms of child abuse on Mothers Day Sunday.
