Canada Day And Unitarian Universalist Misuse Of Canada's Blasphemy Law In UUA Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up Legal Bullying - What's The Connection?

How about this U*UTube video I made while protesting against Unitarian Universalist injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy, outside the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal, on Canada Day July 1st, 2012?

Exactly one month after the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Bullshitters defamation lawyer Maître Marc-André Coulombe, falsely accused me of the archaic criminal act of blasphemous libel in an abusive misuse of Canada's blasphemy law that was intended to intimidate me into deleting aka "memory holing" The Emerson Avenger blog posts that told, and still tell. . . the readily verifiable truth about "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to say nothing of Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's pedophile rapist First Parish Norwell parishioner Richard Buell etc.
