Mothers Day And Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial - What's The Connection?
How about the fact that I have developed a Mothers Day tradition of protesting against the fact that many Unitarian Universalist mothers are complicit in, if not knowing and willful active participants in. . . the cover-up & denial of child sex abuse committed by Unitarian Universalist clergy & UUA "Religious Educators"? Montreal Unitarian clergy sex abuse cover-up enabler Sue Montgomery is just one such child sex abuse cover-up enabling Unitarian Universalist mother. The former Executive *Vice* President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Kathleen "Kay" Montgomery, presided over three decades worth of UUA obstruction of justice for victims of all forms of U*U clergy misconduct and, as the UUA employee responsible for coordinating the work of the UUA's legal counsel, Kay Montgomery would have played a key role in the Unitarian Universalist Association's immoral, UNethical, borderline criminal, and indeed #BatShitCrazy abusive misuse of Canada's blasphemy law in child sex abuse cover-up legal bullying meant to conceal "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by U*Us like Richard Buell, Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell, and Steven Craig Bulleit to name but three Unitarian Universalists aka U*Us who were charged, tried and convicted of raping children.