The UUA Board Of Trustees Twitter Account And Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial - What's The Connection?

This is TOO funny!

Some months ago, perhaps even more than a year ago, I discovered that the UUA Board of Trustees had an inactive Twitter account with ZERO followers.

So. . .

I decided that it would be fun if the first two Twitter followers of the UUA Board's moribund, indeed apparently never used, Twitter account were Yours Truly and Yours Truly.

i.e. Robin Edgar and The Emerson Avenger

I have been tagging the @UUA_Board Twitter account in the photos and memes attached to dozens, if not hundreds, of my Tweets for quite some time now, but when I tried to tag @UUA_Board in a Tweet today I received a Twitter notification that @UUA_Board cannot be tagged in photos. This was a clear indication that whoever manages the UUA Board of Trustees moribund Twitter account finally discovered that I was tagging it in images for months now, if not more than a year, to indicate UUA Board complicity in whatever Unitarian Universalist injustices, abuses, or hypocrisies that I was Tweeting about. Needless to say, I thought that if the manager of the UUA Board's moribund Twitter account had made it impossible to tag it in photos, they had probably also blocked me, and sure enough. . . they have done exactly that.

In that I tagged @UUA_Board in images attached to Tweets yesterday, it seems that the UUA Board of Trustees choose Saint Valentine's Day 2022 aka Standing On The Side of Love Day to block me.

The irony. . .

The irony. . .

Not to mention the Big Fat U*U Hypocrisy.

Update: According to this #BrandSpankingNew @UUA_Board Tweet, it seems that the UUA Board of Trustees decided to activate its moribund, indeed previously never used, Twitter account a just couple of hours ago. So the UUA Board's Twitter account manager probably blocked Yours Truly and Yours Truly around "high noon" on Saint Valentine's Day 2022.

Talk about "standing on the side of love" for censorship and suppression of #TheTruth about Unitarian*Universalist injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy that include, but are by no means limited to. . . the UUA Board of Trustees standing on the side of love for mendacity by not only minimizing Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual misconduct in general, but brazenly lying about child sex abuse most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" in the UUA Board's "less than honest", and thus U*Utterly worthless, "official apology" for UUA clergy sexual misconduct that UUA Moderator Jim Key aka Risk Management consultant James "See NO Evil" Key inappropriately inserted into the middle of his first Moderator's Report to a General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association aka UUA GA in June 2014.
