Used To Be UU And Liberal Unitarian Universalist Misuse Of Canada's Blasphemy Law In UUA Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up Legal Bullying - What's The Connection?

How about the fact that in 'Used To Be U*U', Jay Kiskel writes:

"My concern about the ongoing drift away from our UU liberal values so alarmed me that I teamed with my fellow co-founder of the Fifth Principle Project, Frank Casper, to write a book, Used to be U*U, The Systematic Attack on U*U Liberalism, What U*Us Need to Know, What U*Us Need to Do.

During the six months of researching and writing the book, it became more apparent to me that there is an effort underway to change the character of U*Uism, a change driven by a loss of faith in our liberal values.

I believe we need a voice not selected by the existing nominating process, but by U*Us just like you.  My nomination begins the process for U*Us to again have a voice on our national leadership team."

Needless to say, as an "excommunicated" U*U who has been acutely aware of Unitarian*Universalism's "drift away" from the "liberal values" that Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us profess to believe in, but seem to be chronically UNready, obstinately UNwilling, and even pathologically UNable of actually practicing. . . since the mid-1990s, I share Jay Kiskel's concerns about the
"Systematic Attack on U*U Liberalism". In fact, I even have some suggestions regarding "What U*Us Need to Know" about the "Systematic Attack on U*U Liberalism" by the UUA that dates back to at least the mid-2000s, but probably began years before I even joined the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal in 1993. I also have some quite reasonable demands about what the UUA, the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal, various other Unitarian*Universalist institutions, and numerous individual Unitarian*Universalists, need to DO to correct past "mistakes", and to bring the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as "The U*U Movement" back into alignment with the purported principles and purposes of Unitarian*Universalism that the UUA, the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal, other U*U congregations and institutions, and numerous individual U*Us make a complete and utter mockery of on an ongoing basis. . .

I have not yet read
'Used to be U*U, The Systematic Attack on U*U Liberalism, What U*Us Need to Know, What U*Us Need to Do'. In fact I only became aware that it had been published this week. I can't help but wonder what Frank Casper and Jay Kiskel, and other like minded U*Us in the Fifth Principle Project, might have to say about not only the UUA's ever so "liberal" abusive misuse of Canada's blasphemy law in child sex abuse cover-up legal bullying, to say nothing of the numerous other attacks on liberalism by ever so "liberal" Unitarian*Universalists that I have either directly experienced myself, or am aware of. . .
