New UUA President Sofía Betancourt And Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up Legal Bullying - What's The Connection?

How about this little Tweet of mine just for starters?

I expect "womanist theologian", #ethicist & @UUMinAssoc minister Rev. Sofía Betancourt to clean up this @UUA #ChildSexAbuse #CoverUp #LegalBullying mess she inherited from @UUprez & @SFrederickGray during her first year as the 10th president of the #UUA:

And this one:

Does new @UUA president Sofía Betancourt understand that it really matters to follow the #leadership & center the voices of #ClergyMisconduct critics & #whistleblowers, those most impacted by the #ClergyAbuse issues the #UUA is trying to #CoverUp & deny?

And this one:

It will be interesting to see what, if anything. . . new @UUA president Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt does to end the #UUA's shameful #CultureOfSecrecy re. #ClergySexualMisconduct that includes denying #ChildSexAbuse committed by @UUMinAssoc clergy.

