2024 UUA Membership Statistics Reveal Unitarian Universalism's Ongoing Decline

It seems that the UUA's official membership statistics have been updated to 2024.

See - https://www.uua.org/data/demographics/uua-statistics

According to the official UUA web page, there are currently just under 153K Unitarian Universalists, but that number includes RE enrolments that now stand at well under 23K. . . so there are just over 130K adult Unitarian Universalists. 

The UUA officially claims that it has 1000 congregations in its most recent official membership statistics, but there are actually only 981 certified UUA congregations at this point in time.

See - https://dyn.uua.org/congregation/certlist.php

I will repeat what I been saying for years now. . . Unitarian Universalists might want to give some serious thought to why so few Americans, to say nothing of Canadians. . . choose to join the Unitarian Universalist 'religion'.


