
Showing posts from November, 2005

L'hypocritie du Mouvement Universaliste et Unitarien au Québec

Things Will Shetterly Hates About Unitarian Universalism

Shadow of Diogenes Quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson On Civility and Morality. . .

PeaceBang "Memory Holes" UU ugliness and incivility

UU Santa Claus Is Comin' To BeanTown

SPAM or not SPAM? That is the question.

My Response To Call and Response

Blogthing Says The Emerson Avenger Is Somewhat Machiavellian

Shadow of Diogenes On Morals

More Empty Words From So Cold Rev. Clyde Grubbs

What's the Definition of UU clergy? ( Using the Cranky Cindy method. . . )

Cranky Cindy's Transcendentalist Super Hero. . .

Well I Guess I Can Be A Little Saucy At Times. . .

UUism hates clarity too Will. . .

Beacon Hill "theology" on Dan Kennedy's Media Nation blog

Bill Baar Don't Listen Either It Seems. . .

Radical Hapa asks UU ministers about Civil Disobedience

Hypocrisy Is Hip With UUs Too. . .

November 22, 1999 - November 22, 2005

I Feel Shawn's Pain

Toad-In-The-Memory-Hole? An E-rant Post to Errant Frogs blog?

A Unitarian Minister Features on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Insane Again? Will UUs ever learn?

Lo-Fi Tribe! "moderation" in question. . .

The Philocrites blog "Memory Hole"

I'm So Bored With The UUA. . .

Finally A UU Who Hears, Listens and Understands. . .

A UU who agrees with my critique. . .

Abusive Clergy Misconduct In The UUA and CUC

The Burly Bird Gets The Grubbs?