On The "Psychotic" Reaction Of Rev. Ray Drennan And The Unitarian Church Of Montreal


I ran a Google search on - "Positive Picketing" Unitarians - in order to track down and provide links to my previous posts about the Unitarian Church of Montreal's deeply misguided, outrageously hypocritical, and completely futile positive picketing campaign of the spring of 2001. In doing so I discovered that Rev. Ray Drennan had actually preached about the Unitarian Church of Montreal's "Positive Picketing Campaign" in his Easter Sunday sermon, titled Easter=MC2 of April 15th, 2001. I think that I may have known about this before but, if so, it had completely slipped my mind and I was thus quite surprised to see that Rev. Ray Drennan had actually spoken about the Unitarian Church of Montreal's DIM Thinking "positive picketers" in a Sunday sermon.

Here is the pertinent part of the sermon which leads up to its conclusion -

What transformation might you wish for in your life or in the world around you on this Easter day? Matter and solidity of being stuck in a rut are "conceptual frameworks of our minds". Changing our minds, altering our perception, imagining something different can release the energy needed to make it happen. Everything that seems so solid, so difficult and is standing in our way can be changed into dancing energy and will eventually be changed into energy. We did just that a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago the negative energy of our lone picketer seemed immovable. Then we changed our way of looking at and through our positive picketing campaign changed it into dancing energy.

end quote

Talk about utterly delusional thinking! And to think that Rev. Ray Drennan and no shortage of other U*Us, Montreal Unitarians or otherwise. . . believe that I am delusional to say nothing of a "psychotic" "mentally unbalanced" "nutcase".

My picket sign slogan that says -


refers to the fact that Rev. Ray Drennan reactively, to say nothing of reactionarily. . . attacked my revelatory religious experience by rudely interupting me and sneeringly and angrily saying,

"You mean your psychotic experience."

as I was trying to explain my mystical and indeed quite prophetic religious experience to him on the fateful date of Thursday November 9th, 1995.

Needless to say the picket sign slogan could be alternatively interpreted as suggesting that the Unitarian Church of Montreal is just a tad delusional itself in its highly questionable reactions to my revelatory religious experience, but also in its quite delusional reactions to my serious grievances and subsequent protest activities arising from Rev. Ray Drennan's demeaning and abusive attack on me.

I would strongly suggest that the congregation of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, under the spiritual and indeed moral and ethical leadership of its new settled minister Rev. Diane Rollert, would be very well advised to pay heed to Rev. Ray Drennan's outrageously hypocritical, but otherwise highly advisable. . . words. Montreal Unitarians, and indeed the UUA, its Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and the greater U*U religious community need to start changing their minds about refusing to engage in waging peace with me. Unitarian Universalistst need to start altering their perceptions about me that are seriously tainted by prejudice, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies. Montreal Unitarians, and U*Us more generally, need to start imagining something different, such as finally throwing in the proverbial towel and admitting to their decade worth of serious errors of judgement, to say nothing of considerable delusional thinking, and release the energy that is needed to start waging peace by doing what is necessary to make genuine justice, genuine equity and genuine compassion in human relations happen with me and other victims of U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy. . .

More later. This post will evolve a bit but I am posting it now.


Anonymous said…
You talk of waging peace, but alas all I see is dismissive venom, hateful words and a very closed mind. An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.
Robin Edgar said…
I am very confident that it is abundantly obvious to most people of intelligence and conscience that the words of Rev. Ray Drennan, Franke Greene, John Inder, Keith Robinson and rather too many other like-minded Unitarians aka U*Us are dismissive venom and hateful words that are clearly indicative of very closed minds. . .
Anonymous said…
Your confidence is very unfounded in reality.
Robin Edgar said…
Wrong. My confidence is very well founded in objective and highly verifiable reality. The vast majority of non-U*Us who know about this little war of words understand very well that the false and malicious labeling of Creation Day as a cult by the aforementioned intolerant and abusive U*Us constitutes intolerant and abusive dismissive venom and hateful words that are clearly indicative of very closed minds. Likewise the public well understand that the mocking
and ridiculing of my religious beliefs by U*Us and the rather pathological unfounded pathologizing of yours truly by rather too many U*Us, who choose to describe me as a "crazy" "psychotic" "mentally unbalanced" "nutcase" etc. etc. ad nauseum, is similarly dismissive venom and hateful words that come from very closed minds to say nothing of suspicious minds.