A Hard Nut To Crack. . . More Foot-In-Mouth Disease Courtesy Of Montreal U*Us

Well nothing worth reporting happened when I did my usual protest against U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal yesterday however something did happen Saturday night that is worth a few words. I have begun to make a point of protesting at special events that are open to the general public such as concerts etc. since this significantly increases the number of non-U*Us who become aware of my "alternative spiritual practice". On Saturday night the first concert of John Inder's 'Jazz for Justice' benefit concert series took place featuring the Susie Arioli band. Since John Inder is one of those intolerant and abusive Montreal U*Us who has had the gall to label Creation Day as a "cult" to my face, as well as being one of those leading Montreal U*Us (a former President of the UCM Board) who are most directly responsible for the unjust, inequitable and uncompassionate punitive expulsions that I have been subjected to for daring to try to protect my reputation from such intolerant and abusive "insulting and defamatory language" aka "hate speech", I made sure to protest in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal on Saturday night.

There was a very good turn-out of both Montreal U*Us and plenty of non-U*Us as I thought might be the case. A goodly number of concerts at the Unitarian Church of Montreal are quite poorly attended and often they are attended mainly by existing "church" members but, no doubt because Susie Arioli is a well known Montreal musician and the fact that it was a benefit concert, public attendance was significantly increased. A lot of non-U*Us were perplexed by my protest and several stopped to ask what it was about. Since people were on their way to the concert I kept my explanations brief and to the point unless they asked for more information. To those people who asked about my protest I explained that I was protesting against the intolerance and bigotry of Montreal Unitarians. I told them that John Inder, and other leading members of the Unitarian Church of Montreal such as Rev. Ray Drennan and Franke Greene, had falsely and maliciously labeled an inter-religious event that I had organized as a "cult". As I have stated in other posts I have been displaying one picket sign slogan that says -


in tandem with a slogan asking


since the beginning of the new "church year" in September 2006.

A couple of twenty something young men stopped and read most of my picket sign slogans quite intently and then asked me what my protest was about. I explained briefly, as per the above description, and spoke of the "intolerance and bigotry" that I was protesting against. Very soon after I spoke to the two men a leading female member of the Unitarian Church of Montreal approached them and whispered something to them as I was not all that far from them. As I passed by them I said, "May I ask what was said to you?" One of the young men responded by saying that the woman had told them to just ignore me. I responded to that by saying, "I thought that she might have said that I was some kind of nutcase." The young man, who seemed a little bit uncomfortable and/or somewhat embarrassed said, "Well that too. . ." Not being the least bit surprised by his response I just dryly stated, "Well that's part of the intolerance and bigotry that I am protesting against."

That's all for now. I really shouldn't need to say much more than that but I may say a bit more later anyway even if it will mainly be a case of once again stating the obvious to people of intelligence and conscience.
