Could It Be. . . *The* Tracey Robinson?

This just posted on the blog of a U*U called Tracey Robinson. . .

Could it be. . . *the* Tracey Robinson?

"Anyway, my point is that these so-called bastions of rationality and logic fail to see how very hypocritical they are being. They are self-righteously denouncing the self-righteousness of Christians. They are ranting against how Christians proselytize...while simultaneously grandstanding how atheism is the only viewpoint for any intelligent human being. And they are doing this with all the condescension and self-importance of any fundamentalist Bible-beater I have ever heard."

I have been saying that for over a decade now about fundamentalist atheist Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us. . . including some who are U*U clergy such as the inimitable Rev. Ray Drennan formerly of the Unitarian Church of Montreal.

Believe it or not your blog came up as a result of a Google search for Unitarian*Universalist assholes. . .

BTW I don't suppose that you might be this famous U*U?

Editor’s Note: In that the blogger profile of Tracey Robinson states "I'm currently having an early 30s career crisis" it would seem somewhat unlikely that this particular "tree hugging, liberal, Democrat, Unitarian feminist mom trying to save the world" is Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris, current Director of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Congregational Services Staff Group.


Anonymous said…
Not Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris.
Robin Edgar said…
Is there is particular reason why you left out the honorific Rev.? ;-)

I figured from your blogger profile that you probably were not Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris of the UUA's Department of Congregational Services.

I am glad to see that we are pretty much on the same wavelength about intolerant and obnoxious fundamentalist atheists. It is unfortunate that there are such atheists amongst the U*U community, that some are even U*U clergy, and that the UUA not only turns a blind eye to their anti-religious intolerance and bigotyry but even effectively endorses it.