Rev. Patrick McLaughlin aka Ogre Spits Into The Wind Of His Own Making. . .

Prospective U*U minister the yet to be Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, aka U*U blogger Ogre, decided to blithely ignore a sure sign that he would be putting his foot in it if he followed in the dubious footsteps of Rev. Victoria Weinstein's 'Church Web Site: Would You Visit?' blog post and rushed in where angels fear to tread by adding his own typically sarcastic comment to Peacebang's snarky trashing of the First Parish of Pembroke's web site blurb. Former U*U seminarian James Estes aka Peregrinato decided to chime in too, albeit less snarkily, so I think that for now I will just reproduce the current comment thread (with typos corrected) that PeaceBang will "memory hole" at the first opportunity to do so. . . Certainly Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, if not James Estes would have been well advised to heed Rev. Victoria Weinstein's good advice posted to her Peacebang blog -

"Because you’re in the public eye, and God knows you need to look good."

Not that Peacebang pays much heed to her own good advice herself of course. . .

  1. Peacebang is back on The Emerson Avenger’s U*U World-famous “Eat Your Words Diet”. . .

    Comment by *The* Reverend Doctor Eric T. Cartman III — April 8, 2009 #

  2. To boldly… oh, no, wait. To amiably and unchallengingly go…

    No demands, no challenges, nothing provocative.

    Comfy, unthreatening to a fault.

    Yeesh, this reminds me of that Youtube of the drive-through church.

    Comment by ogre — April 8, 2009 #

  3. There are so many Christian alternatives to oppressive Christianity that still strive to meet the challenges of the Gospel message (and let’s face it–love is often a challenge). The church you’re discussing leaves me cold.

    Comment by Peregrinato — April 8, 2009 #

  4. Does the First Church in Pembroke leave you cold Peregrinato or is it Peacebang’s snarky take on its website blurb that leaves you cold?

    BTW What parts leave you most cold Peregrinato?

    The “We are a growing congregation with big ideas” bit?

    The “sharing Christ’s love and mercy as often as we can” bit?

    The self-deprecating humor of the “Free parking and pew space!” bit?

    The “Delicious Fair Trade Coffee following the service” bit?

    The “Nurses in the congregation…” bit? Do you prefer the possible alternative of you or someone else being quite literally corpse-cold, and not just a “corpse-cold Unitarian” like Peacebang and other “corpse-cold Unitarians”, if you choked on a communion wafer or something?

    The “minimal guilt…” bit perhaps? I must admit that that particular bit leaves me somewhat “cold” but at least these UCCers admit to having *some* guilt aka shame which is a lot more than can be said about PeaceBang and any number of other utterly shameless “corpse-cold Unitarians”. . .

    Does the “great choir” leave you cold Peregrinato? How about the “good hymns” that probably haven’t been bastardized as they are in so many U*U “churches”. . .

    Does the promise of “relatively short sermons” leave you cold?

    Do the “lots of children to liven things up” leave you cold?

    Do tell. . .

    Comment by *The* Reverend Doctor Eric T. Cartman III — April 8, 2009 #

  5. To boldly… oh, no, wait. To amiably and unchallengingly go to the Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vista California.

    No demands, no challenges, nothing provocative. . . visitors will be asked to introduce themselves if they are comfortable in doing so, but sitting in quiet obscurity is always an option!

    Our Fellowship has a Story for All Ages that is read to the children before the congregation “sings them out” to their Religious Education classes.

    After we have passed the basket (a tradition just about everywhere – which visitors should feel free to let pass them by) we great each other for a few moments with handshakes and hugs. There is often an opportunity for attendees to walk to the front and share their joys or sorrows with those present. This is followed with the presentation of a topic of quiet reflection and a few moments of quiet music and then silence. Comfy, unthreatening to a fault. . .

    Yeesh, this reminds me of any number of U*U “churches”. . .

    Comment by *The* Reverend Doctor Eric T. Cartman III — April 8, 2009 #

  6. Yes, just in case anyone is wondering, Ogre aka Patrick McLaughlin is or was a leading member of the Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vista California if I am not mistaken.

    Comment by *The* Reverend Doctor Eric T. Cartman III — April 8, 2009 #

  7. Methinks Peacebang, Ogre and other “corpse-cold” U*Unitarians are spitting into the wind of their own making again. . .

    Comment by *The* Reverend Doctor Eric T. Cartman III — April 8, 2009 #

  8. Rev. Victoria Weinstein is hereby sentenced to similarly critiquing the websites of three Boston area Unitarian*Univeralists churches. If she fails or refuses to do so she will receive a rather worse big fat U*U spanking at the hands of The Emerson Avenger. . . :-)

    Comment by *The* Reverend Doctor Eric T. Cartman III — April 8, 2009 #
