Rev. Calvin O. Dame For UUA Moderator?!! Believe It Or Not U*Us, It Could Have Happened. . .

UUA Moderator Gini Courter meet Rev. Calvin O. Dame.

Rev. Calvin O. Dame meet UUA Moderator Gini Courter. . .

"After Olson resigned, five people stepped forward as candidates for interim moderator. In addition to Courter, an information technology consultant, author, and speaker who lives in Traverse City, Michigan, the candidates were the Rev. Calvin Dame, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Augusta, Maine, and trustee from the Northeast District; Patsy Sherrill Madden of St. Louis, former member of the GA Planning Committee and a candidate for moderator in the 2000 election; Dr. Elisabeth McGregor of Sharon, Massachusetts, former first vice moderator and trustee from the Ballou Channing District; and the Rev. Douglas Morgan Strong of Piano, Texas, former member of the GA Planning Committee. After interviewing the candidates, the Trustees submitted their votes by secret ballot."

Source - 'Board chooses interim moderator' UU World: The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association, February 2004
