Why It Matters That UUA Moderator Gini Courter Is Choosing Blind Faith And Shamelessly Spouting Hypocritical U*U BS On Her 'Just Gini' Blog
Well it looks like February went out with a load of U*U BS, and March is likely to come in with more U*U lyin' and will probably go out with more U*U lyin' too. . . On Saturday February 28th UUA Moderator Gini Courter posted some maudling U*U BS about 'Why It Matters', i.e why the tiny, declining, fringe religion known U*U World-wide as Unitarian*Universalism aka "The U*U Movement" *matters*, i.e. has any importance in the world, on her misleadingly named 'Just Gini' blog. Gini Courter's spiel began with a series of emotionally laden, and all too predictably U*U, hypothetical "vignettes" about a woman who "lost her partner of fifty years", a man forced into retirement who then decided "to dedicate his life to a noble purpose", a teenager who "was beaten for daring to love a person of another race", a family "grieving the loss of a child", another family who "lost their home", a child who "decided to reach out to girls in Kenya", a young man who was "hazed for defending a queer team mate", and last but by no means least a woman who falls asleep crying, realizing that "her spiritual life is vacant, her soul is empty." No doubt this maudlin U*U BS plays off of the recent UUA propaganda pretending that Unitarian*Universalists -
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World

That hypothetical woman who "lost her partner of fifty years" is in for a "less than pleasant" surprise if she is Christian oriented, or otherwise theistic as the vast majority of American women are. . . and seeks solace for her grief in a "Humanist" dominated Unitarian*Universalist "church". She risks having her grief caused by the loss of her partner compounded my the condescension, contempt, and even outright mockery of her belief that her partner may be awaiting her in some form of afterlife dished out by rather inhuman "Humanist" U*Us.
The man forced into retirement who then decided "to dedicate his life to a noble purpose" is not going to get very far if his "noble purpose" doesn't sit well with the mind-set of the "Church of the Far Left". Even if his "noble purpose" is entirely in line with U*U principles and ideals, as well as the general mindset of the congregation, he may not get much practical assistance to implement it from a complacent and disinterested U*U congregation that is all talk and little or no action as many U*U congregations are. . .
The teenager who was hypothetically "beaten for daring to love a person of another race" may get some tea and sympathy, or at least some Bridgehead coffee and sympathy, but not much else from a U*U congregation.
*Any* family "grieving the loss of a child" may face a situation similar to the previously mentioned woman who "lost her partner of fifty years".
The hypothetical family who "lost their home" may well face embarrassed "ostrichization" from any U*U "church" that it approaches for actual practical help to regain its home.
The child who "decided to reach out to girls in Kenya" may get little or no help in doing so from a disinterested U*U congregation that has its own pet projects and does not want to add any more.
The young man who was "hazed for defending a queer team mate" may well get hazed by "Humanist" U*Us for defending his own and other people's belief in God if he just happens to be amongst the 90%+ of Americans who believe in God. . .
The woman who "falls asleep crying", realizing that "her spiritual life is vacant, her soul is empty" may discover that the spiritual life and indeed the U*U "soul" of the one and only Unitarian*Universalist "church" that is accessible to her is every bit as vacant and empty as her own, and thus has little or nothing to offer to nurture her spirit or otherwise encourage her spiritual growth.
If UUA Moderator Gini Courter wants the Unitarian*Universalist "faith" to really matter in the real world she had better start responsibly acknowledging, and adequately dealing with, some of the "less than pleasant" realities of the "shadow" of her chosen faith. Indeed Gini Court would be well advised to deal with her apparent personal blind faith in Unitarian*Universalism which seems to be willfully blind to many of the inadequacies and failings of the UUA and greater U*U "religious community". Indeed UUA Moderator Gini Courter appears to be quite willfully blind to the U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy that I have brought to her attention in my "electronic communications" with her.
Here is the comment that I am submitting to Gini Courter's 'Why It Matters' blog post.
It is very unlikely that it will be published -
I don't suppose that it has occurred to you Gini that somewhere tonight a Christian oriented or otherwise God believing woman or man will fall asleep crying, realizing that her*his spiritual life is vacant precisely because they belong to an atheist/Humanist dominated Unitarian*Universalist "church" that fails and/or refuses to "honor and uphold" U*U principles calling for acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth? Who knows? Maybe an atheist/Humanist U*U woman or man has fallen asleep crying, realizing that her*his spiritual life is vacant, her*his soul is empty because she*he has been ostracized and even harassed by a U*U congregation comprised of intolerant and abusive theists. . .
Somewhere yesterday a man was slandered by an anti-religious bigot of a "Humanist" U*U "pastor" – it was not his choice – and has decided to dedicate part of his life to a noble purpose.
Somewhere yesterday a protester was threatened with assault and even actually assaulted for daring to peacefully protest against U*U anti-religious bigotry and other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal.
Somewhere yesterday a middle-aged man, who is a young man compared to most aging (to say nothing of dwindling) 97% White WASU*Us. . . was hazed for defending monotheistic religious belief in the Unitarian*Universalist "church".
Somewhere today a U*U "church" with a self-tarnished public image is grieving the loss of its good reputation. . .
Somewhere today yet another Unitarian*Univeralist "Welcoming Congregation" lost their "church" due to a lethal dearth of members. . .
Somewhere today a UUA Moderator failed, indeed apparently obstinately refused. . . to choose love and reach out to any and all victims of U*U clergy misconduct. Indeed, from what I can see, which isn't much at all. . . you are standing on the side of love for victims of U*U clergy misconduct by standing on the side of doing nothing at all to provide genuine restorative justice for ALL victims of U*U clergy misconduct Gini. Please do provide some evidence proving that you actually are doing something to provide some genuine and tangible restorative justice for ALL victims of U*U clergy misconduct between now and the UUA GA in June Gini. I would be only too happy if you could prove me to be wrong in that belief. . .

That hypothetical woman who "lost her partner of fifty years" is in for a "less than pleasant" surprise if she is Christian oriented, or otherwise theistic as the vast majority of American women are. . . and seeks solace for her grief in a "Humanist" dominated Unitarian*Universalist "church". She risks having her grief caused by the loss of her partner compounded my the condescension, contempt, and even outright mockery of her belief that her partner may be awaiting her in some form of afterlife dished out by rather inhuman "Humanist" U*Us.
The man forced into retirement who then decided "to dedicate his life to a noble purpose" is not going to get very far if his "noble purpose" doesn't sit well with the mind-set of the "Church of the Far Left". Even if his "noble purpose" is entirely in line with U*U principles and ideals, as well as the general mindset of the congregation, he may not get much practical assistance to implement it from a complacent and disinterested U*U congregation that is all talk and little or no action as many U*U congregations are. . .
The teenager who was hypothetically "beaten for daring to love a person of another race" may get some tea and sympathy, or at least some Bridgehead coffee and sympathy, but not much else from a U*U congregation.
*Any* family "grieving the loss of a child" may face a situation similar to the previously mentioned woman who "lost her partner of fifty years".
The hypothetical family who "lost their home" may well face embarrassed "ostrichization" from any U*U "church" that it approaches for actual practical help to regain its home.
The child who "decided to reach out to girls in Kenya" may get little or no help in doing so from a disinterested U*U congregation that has its own pet projects and does not want to add any more.
The young man who was "hazed for defending a queer team mate" may well get hazed by "Humanist" U*Us for defending his own and other people's belief in God if he just happens to be amongst the 90%+ of Americans who believe in God. . .
The woman who "falls asleep crying", realizing that "her spiritual life is vacant, her soul is empty" may discover that the spiritual life and indeed the U*U "soul" of the one and only Unitarian*Universalist "church" that is accessible to her is every bit as vacant and empty as her own, and thus has little or nothing to offer to nurture her spirit or otherwise encourage her spiritual growth.
If UUA Moderator Gini Courter wants the Unitarian*Universalist "faith" to really matter in the real world she had better start responsibly acknowledging, and adequately dealing with, some of the "less than pleasant" realities of the "shadow" of her chosen faith. Indeed Gini Court would be well advised to deal with her apparent personal blind faith in Unitarian*Universalism which seems to be willfully blind to many of the inadequacies and failings of the UUA and greater U*U "religious community". Indeed UUA Moderator Gini Courter appears to be quite willfully blind to the U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy that I have brought to her attention in my "electronic communications" with her.
Here is the comment that I am submitting to Gini Courter's 'Why It Matters' blog post.
It is very unlikely that it will be published -
I don't suppose that it has occurred to you Gini that somewhere tonight a Christian oriented or otherwise God believing woman or man will fall asleep crying, realizing that her*his spiritual life is vacant precisely because they belong to an atheist/Humanist dominated Unitarian*Universalist "church" that fails and/or refuses to "honor and uphold" U*U principles calling for acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth? Who knows? Maybe an atheist/Humanist U*U woman or man has fallen asleep crying, realizing that her*his spiritual life is vacant, her*his soul is empty because she*he has been ostracized and even harassed by a U*U congregation comprised of intolerant and abusive theists. . .
Somewhere yesterday a man was slandered by an anti-religious bigot of a "Humanist" U*U "pastor" – it was not his choice – and has decided to dedicate part of his life to a noble purpose.
Somewhere yesterday a protester was threatened with assault and even actually assaulted for daring to peacefully protest against U*U anti-religious bigotry and other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal.
Somewhere yesterday a middle-aged man, who is a young man compared to most aging (to say nothing of dwindling) 97% White WASU*Us. . . was hazed for defending monotheistic religious belief in the Unitarian*Universalist "church".
Somewhere today a U*U "church" with a self-tarnished public image is grieving the loss of its good reputation. . .
Somewhere today yet another Unitarian*Univeralist "Welcoming Congregation" lost their "church" due to a lethal dearth of members. . .
Somewhere today a UUA Moderator failed, indeed apparently obstinately refused. . . to choose love and reach out to any and all victims of U*U clergy misconduct. Indeed, from what I can see, which isn't much at all. . . you are standing on the side of love for victims of U*U clergy misconduct by standing on the side of doing nothing at all to provide genuine restorative justice for ALL victims of U*U clergy misconduct Gini. Please do provide some evidence proving that you actually are doing something to provide some genuine and tangible restorative justice for ALL victims of U*U clergy misconduct between now and the UUA GA in June Gini. I would be only too happy if you could prove me to be wrong in that belief. . .